Download links for each release and OS are contained in the text descriptions of the releases below.

G4beamline release 2.16 is now available (11-Jan-2014).

This release uses Geant4 9.5 patch 01 on Windows, and Geant4 9.6 patch 02 on Mac and Linux.

  • Java (1.5 or later), required for the GUI; g4beamline itself does not use Java
  • Root (5.32 or later), required to use HistoRoot or G4blmovie; g4beamline itself does not need Root installed (it includes the Root libraries it needs)
  • tcl (any version), required for the tests; g4beamline itself does not use tcl
  • Additional prerequisites are required for building from source; see the README-* files for details.

NOTE: If you already have the Geant4Data installed, you MUST update it, because a new dataset is now required, and new versions of the others are available. If you have an older install of the Geant4Data, you will get a fatal error due to missing datasets. Be sure to install the four datasets designated for all physics lists. If the Geant4Data are not installed, the first time you run G4beamline it will automatically run the G4blData program to install it. (These are physics datasets required by the geant4 physics lists.)
Command-line: g4bldata --install
GUI: in the Help text there is a link to load additional datasets.

Known Bugs:
  • genericquad with ironLength=0 does not work properly; a fix is available.
  • g4blmake does not work on Windows.
  • On Mac OS X, Java programs get “CGContext... invalid context 0x0” errors that are benign — ignore them.
  • On Windows/Cygwin, signals do not work cleanly (i.e. exit the program saving output); they exit the program immediately without closeup; Abort in the GUI is the same.

Major Changes from 2.14
  • Geant4 9.6.p02 on Linux and Mac; Geant4.9.5.p01 on Windows
  • Geant4Data versions updated; G4blData program updated
  • New command: boolean - does union, intersection, and subtraction between two simple volumes: boolean, box, extrusion, polycone, sphere, tessellatedsolid, torus, trap, tubs.
  • New command: label - puts visible labels into the world (text labels or points).
  • New command: survey - generates a survey file containing element positions.
  • New command: detector - similar to virtualdetector, except defaults to local coordinates, and outputs the energy deposited into the NTuple.
  • New command: tessellatedsolid - generates a solid defined by its surface consisting of triangles and planar quadrilaterals.
  • Added RadioactiveDecay process to all ions, in all physics lists
  • The beam command now supports ions as beam particles for ASCII input files (not for Root input files, as their PDGid won't fit into a float)
  • The beam command now supports polarization in ASCII and Root input files.
  • The default physics list is now FTFP_BERT
  • The spurious rotation around z in cornerarc is removed
  • G4SAIDATA is now required; added to g4bldata and G4blData.java
  • Rotations can be specified as Axis and Angle: “A1,2,3,4” rotates by 4 degrees around the axis (1,2,3)
  • Bug in place command fixed: when front=1 is used, rotation is now around the front, not the element center
  • On Windows, geant4Data is always in C:/Geant4Data

NOTE: HistoRoot is no longer included in the G4beamline distributions. It is available here.


A 32 Bit build is no longer included as a distribution. You must build from source on old 32-bit systems.

64 Bit build:
1. cd to your HOME directory (or other directory into which you want to install)
2. download G4beamline-2.16-Linux64.tgz
3. tar -xzf g4beamline-2.16-Linux64.tgz
4. rm g4beamline-2.16-Linux64.tgz (optional clean-up)
5. source g4beamline-2.16/bin/g4bl-setup.sh
The g4bl-setup.sh script will put this instance of G4beamline into the front of your PATH. The g4bl-icon script will create an icon on your Desktop. You can put item 5 into your $HOME/.bash_profile ; there is a similar g4bl-setup.csh .

The command-line programs are:
  • g4bl — runs g4beamline
  • g4blgui — runs the same GUI used by default on Windows
  • g4blmovie — generates a movie
  • g4bl-icon — creates an icon on your Desktop
  • g4bldata — download Geant4 data sets from CERN
  • g4blmpi — run in MPI mode (only if built from source and enabled)

This Linux release was built on a SLF 5.5 system, which means it should run on any later RedHat-derived distribution, including both Scientific Linux and Fedora. It has been verified to run on: SLF 5.5 and SLF 6.3. It may well run on other reasonably-modern Linux distributions, and should surely do so if built from source. Note you may need to install "compatibility libraries" to support programs built on older versions of Linux; README-Linux.txt provides some suggestions.

MPI: You can install OpenMPI(external link) and then build from source with MPI enabled. Or you can use whatever native MPI implementation is already installed, as long as the C++ compiler can find it. Because MPI must be configured specifically for your system, it is not possible to include it in the G4beamline distribution. This release is known to work on supercomputers: hopper.nersc.gov and edison.nersc.gov.

Mac OS X 10.7, 10.8, 10.8 (Intel — Lion, Mountain Lion, and Mavericks)

  1. download G4beamline-2.16.dmg
  2. Double-click the installer, and drag the application icons into /Applications
  3. *You may want to drag the G4beamlineExamples directory into your HOME.
  4. *Ditto for the G4beamlineDocumentation directory.
  5. Eject the installer disk image and move it to the Trash.
  6. As usual you can drag applications from /Applications onto the Dock.
  7. For command-line use, source /Applications/G4beamline.app/Contents/Resources/bin/g4bl-setup.sh. You can put this into your $HOME/.bash_profile .

This (binary) release does not run on Snow Leopard (OS X 10.6), or earlier. You can, however, download the source and build it; that ought to work on a PowerPC, but has not been tested.

The command-line programs are:
  • g4bl — runs g4beamline
  • g4blgui — runs the same GUI used by default on Windows
  • g4blmovie — generates a movie
  • g4bldata — download Geant4 data sets from CERN
  • g4blmpi — run in MPI mode (only if built from source and enabled)

Note the G4beamline viewers all use X-windows, but the GUIs (g4blgui, historoot) run native Mac OS (i.e. quartz).

This Mac OS X release was built on a system running Lion (Mac OS X 10.7.5). It should run on any Intel Mac running Lion, Mountain Lion, or Mavericks.

MPI: Note that OS X no longer includes MPI. You can install OpenMPI(external link) and then build from source with MPI enabled. Because OpenMPI must be configured specifically for your system, it is not possible to include it in the G4beamline distribution.


  1. download G4beamline-2.15w.msi
  2. Double-click the installer, and follow the prompts
  3. Move the installer to the Trash.
  4. For command-line use in the Cygwin environment, cd to the installation directory and do "source bin/g4bl-setup.sh". The command-line programs will NOT run in a Windows cmd window.

NOTE: The Windows build uses Geant4.9.5.p01 — the Geant4 collaboration is no longer supporting Windows Xp, and it was not feasible to build later versions on Windows Xp. This is the last G4beamline release that will support Windows Xp, future releases will be built on Windows 7. The G4beamline code is the same as release 2.16, so it has all the new features, except the updated Geant4. Users are strongly advised to upgrade from Windows Xp to Windows 7.

The command-line programs (CYGWIN) are:
  • g4bl — runs g4beamline
  • g4blgui — runs the same GUI used by default on Windows
  • g4blmovie — generates a movie
  • g4bldata — download Geant4 data sets from CERN

This Windows release was built on a system running Windows Xp. It should run on any Windows Xp, Windows Vista, or Windows 7 system. It should run on Windows 8, but that has not been tested.

The installer puts a copy of G4beamlineExamples into your Documents folder ("My Documents" on Windows Xp).

MPI is not supported on Windows.


The source release is independent of the binary release for each platform. It installs into a different directory. On a 4-core Mac Pro the build takes about an hour for the libraries, and 2 minutes for G4beamline itself. Windows and Linux tools are slower, and your hardware may be slower.

Windows: Install the Cygwin environment and Microsoft VC++ 2008 Express Edition. See README-Windows.txt and BUILD.txt for details.
Mac OS X: Install the XCode application (from your install DVD, Apple's Developer Network, or the App store), and then do Software Update. See README-MacOSX.txt and BUILD.txt for details.
Linux: install the complete software development suite, including X-Windows, OpenGL, and OpenMotif/Lesstif development. See README-Linux.txt and BUILD.txt for details.

  1. cd to your HOME directory (or other directory into which you want to install)
  2. download G4beamline-2.16-source.tgz
  3. tar -xzf G4beamline-2.16-source.tgz
  4. rm G4beamline-2.16-source.tgz #(optional clean-up)
  5. mkdir G4beamline-2.16
  6. cd G4beamline-2.16
  7. ../G4beamline-2.16-source/configure --help # read the help and determine the options you need
  8. ../G4beamline-2.16-source/configure [--options]
  9. make
  10. source bin/g4bl-setup.sh — The g4bl-setup.sh script will add the G4beamline programs into your PATH.

This source distribution has been tested to build on the following systems:
  • Mac OS X 10.7.2, Lion
  • Scientific Linux Fermi 5.3
  • Scientific Linux Fermi 6.1
  • Windows Xp
  • Cray OSs on supercomputers at NERSC

G4beamline release 2.14 is now available (20-DEC-2012).


G4beamline release 2.12 is now available (30-APR-2012).


G4beamline release 2.10 is now available (03-JAN-2012).


G4beamline release 2.08 is now available (13-FEB-2011).


G4beamline release 2.06 is now available (22-SEPT-2010).


G4beamline release 2.03 is now available (26-JULY-2010).


G4beamline release 2.02 is now available (20-APR-2010).


G4beamline release 2.01 is now available for Linux (19-JAN-2010).


G4beamline release 2.0 is now available (10-JAN-2010).


G4beamline release 1.16 is now available (2-APR-2009).
