Download links for each release and OS are contained in the text descriptions of the releases below.
G4beamline release 2.16 is now available (11-Jan-2014).
This release uses Geant4 9.5 patch 01 on Windows, and Geant4 9.6 patch 02 on Mac and Linux.
- Java (1.5 or later), required for the GUI; g4beamline itself does not use Java
- Root (5.32 or later), required to use HistoRoot or G4blmovie; g4beamline itself does not need Root installed (it includes the Root libraries it needs)
- tcl (any version), required for the tests; g4beamline itself does not use tcl
- Additional prerequisites are required for building from source; see the README-* files for details.
NOTE: If you already have the Geant4Data installed, you MUST update it, because a new dataset is now required, and new versions of the others are available. If you have an older install of the Geant4Data, you will get a fatal error due to missing datasets. Be sure to install the four datasets designated for all physics lists. If the Geant4Data are not installed, the first time you run G4beamline it will automatically run the G4blData program to install it. (These are physics datasets required by the geant4 physics lists.)
Command-line: g4bldata --install
GUI: in the Help text there is a link to load additional datasets.
Known Bugs:
- genericquad with ironLength=0 does not work properly; a fix is available.
- g4blmake does not work on Windows.
- On Mac OS X, Java programs get “CGContext... invalid context 0x0” errors that are benign — ignore them.
- On Windows/Cygwin, signals do not work cleanly (i.e. exit the program saving output); they exit the program immediately without closeup; Abort in the GUI is the same.
Major Changes from 2.14
- Geant4 9.6.p02 on Linux and Mac; Geant4.9.5.p01 on Windows
- Geant4Data versions updated; G4blData program updated
- New command: boolean - does union, intersection, and subtraction between two simple volumes: boolean, box, extrusion, polycone, sphere, tessellatedsolid, torus, trap, tubs.
- New command: label - puts visible labels into the world (text labels or points).
- New command: survey - generates a survey file containing element positions.
- New command: detector - similar to virtualdetector, except defaults to local coordinates, and outputs the energy deposited into the NTuple.
- New command: tessellatedsolid - generates a solid defined by its surface consisting of triangles and planar quadrilaterals.
- Added RadioactiveDecay process to all ions, in all physics lists
- The beam command now supports ions as beam particles for ASCII input files (not for Root input files, as their PDGid won't fit into a float)
- The beam command now supports polarization in ASCII and Root input files.
- The default physics list is now FTFP_BERT
- The spurious rotation around z in cornerarc is removed
- G4SAIDATA is now required; added to g4bldata and
- Rotations can be specified as Axis and Angle: “A1,2,3,4” rotates by 4 degrees around the axis (1,2,3)
- Bug in place command fixed: when front=1 is used, rotation is now around the front, not the element center
- On Windows, geant4Data is always in C:/Geant4Data
NOTE: HistoRoot is no longer included in the G4beamline distributions. It is available here.
A 32 Bit build is no longer included as a distribution. You must build from source on old 32-bit systems.
64 Bit build:
1. cd to your HOME directory (or other directory into which you want to install)
2. download G4beamline-2.16-Linux64.tgz
3. tar -xzf g4beamline-2.16-Linux64.tgz
4. rm g4beamline-2.16-Linux64.tgz (optional clean-up)
5. source g4beamline-2.16/bin/
The script will put this instance of G4beamline into the front of your PATH. The g4bl-icon script will create an icon on your Desktop. You can put item 5 into your $HOME/.bash_profile ; there is a similar g4bl-setup.csh .
The command-line programs are:
- g4bl — runs g4beamline
- g4blgui — runs the same GUI used by default on Windows
- g4blmovie — generates a movie
- g4bl-icon — creates an icon on your Desktop
- g4bldata — download Geant4 data sets from CERN
- g4blmpi — run in MPI mode (only if built from source and enabled)
This Linux release was built on a SLF 5.5 system, which means it should run on any later RedHat-derived distribution, including both Scientific Linux and Fedora. It has been verified to run on: SLF 5.5 and SLF 6.3. It may well run on other reasonably-modern Linux distributions, and should surely do so if built from source. Note you may need to install "compatibility libraries" to support programs built on older versions of Linux; README-Linux.txt provides some suggestions.
MPI: You can install OpenMPI and then build from source with MPI enabled. Or you can use whatever native MPI implementation is already installed, as long as the C++ compiler can find it. Because MPI must be configured specifically for your system, it is not possible to include it in the G4beamline distribution. This release is known to work on supercomputers: and
Mac OS X 10.7, 10.8, 10.8 (Intel — Lion, Mountain Lion, and Mavericks)
- download G4beamline-2.16.dmg
- Double-click the installer, and drag the application icons into /Applications
- *You may want to drag the G4beamlineExamples directory into your HOME.
- *Ditto for the G4beamlineDocumentation directory.
- Eject the installer disk image and move it to the Trash.
- As usual you can drag applications from /Applications onto the Dock.
- For command-line use, source /Applications/ You can put this into your $HOME/.bash_profile .
This (binary) release does not run on Snow Leopard (OS X 10.6), or earlier. You can, however, download the source and build it; that ought to work on a PowerPC, but has not been tested.
The command-line programs are:
- g4bl — runs g4beamline
- g4blgui — runs the same GUI used by default on Windows
- g4blmovie — generates a movie
- g4bldata — download Geant4 data sets from CERN
- g4blmpi — run in MPI mode (only if built from source and enabled)
Note the G4beamline viewers all use X-windows, but the GUIs (g4blgui, historoot) run native Mac OS (i.e. quartz).
This Mac OS X release was built on a system running Lion (Mac OS X 10.7.5). It should run on any Intel Mac running Lion, Mountain Lion, or Mavericks.
MPI: Note that OS X no longer includes MPI. You can install OpenMPI and then build from source with MPI enabled. Because OpenMPI must be configured specifically for your system, it is not possible to include it in the G4beamline distribution.
- download G4beamline-2.15w.msi
- Double-click the installer, and follow the prompts
- Move the installer to the Trash.
- For command-line use in the Cygwin environment, cd to the installation directory and do "source bin/". The command-line programs will NOT run in a Windows cmd window.
NOTE: The Windows build uses Geant4.9.5.p01 — the Geant4 collaboration is no longer supporting Windows Xp, and it was not feasible to build later versions on Windows Xp. This is the last G4beamline release that will support Windows Xp, future releases will be built on Windows 7. The G4beamline code is the same as release 2.16, so it has all the new features, except the updated Geant4. Users are strongly advised to upgrade from Windows Xp to Windows 7.
The command-line programs (CYGWIN) are:
- g4bl — runs g4beamline
- g4blgui — runs the same GUI used by default on Windows
- g4blmovie — generates a movie
- g4bldata — download Geant4 data sets from CERN
This Windows release was built on a system running Windows Xp. It should run on any Windows Xp, Windows Vista, or Windows 7 system. It should run on Windows 8, but that has not been tested.
The installer puts a copy of G4beamlineExamples into your Documents folder ("My Documents" on Windows Xp).
MPI is not supported on Windows.
The source release is independent of the binary release for each platform. It installs into a different directory. On a 4-core Mac Pro the build takes about an hour for the libraries, and 2 minutes for G4beamline itself. Windows and Linux tools are slower, and your hardware may be slower.
Windows: Install the Cygwin environment and Microsoft VC++ 2008 Express Edition. See README-Windows.txt and BUILD.txt for details.
Mac OS X: Install the XCode application (from your install DVD, Apple's Developer Network, or the App store), and then do Software Update. See README-MacOSX.txt and BUILD.txt for details.
Linux: install the complete software development suite, including X-Windows, OpenGL, and OpenMotif/Lesstif development. See README-Linux.txt and BUILD.txt for details.
- cd to your HOME directory (or other directory into which you want to install)
- download G4beamline-2.16-source.tgz
- tar -xzf G4beamline-2.16-source.tgz
- rm G4beamline-2.16-source.tgz #(optional clean-up)
- mkdir G4beamline-2.16
- cd G4beamline-2.16
- ../G4beamline-2.16-source/configure --help # read the help and determine the options you need
- ../G4beamline-2.16-source/configure [--options]
- make
- source bin/ — The script will add the G4beamline programs into your PATH.
This source distribution has been tested to build on the following systems:
- Mac OS X 10.7.2, Lion
- Scientific Linux Fermi 5.3
- Scientific Linux Fermi 6.1
- Windows Xp
- Cray OSs on supercomputers at NERSC
G4beamline release 2.14 is now available (20-DEC-2012).
This release uses Geant4 9.5 patch 01.
NOTE: The 32-bit Linux build on SLF 4 is deprecated, this will be its last release; SLF 4 is no longer supported.
- Java (1.5 or later), required for the GUI; g4beamline itself does not use Java
- Root (5.24 or later), required to use HistoRoot or G4blmovie; g4beamline itself does not need Root installed (it includes the Root libraries it needs)
- tcl (any version), required for the tests; g4beamline itself does not use tcl
- Additional prerequisites are required for building from source; see the README-* files for details.
Known Bugs:
- In command emfactor, the msc factor erroneously applies to magnetic fields, and possibly some other physics processes.
- MPI has subtle but serious timing bugs. These are fixed in release 2.14a, which has replaced the source distribution below. This does not affect any binary distribution.
- g4blmake does not work on Windows.
- On Mac OS X, Java programs get “CGContext... invalid context 0x0” errors that are benign.
- On old Linux-s, the Open Inventor (OIX) visualization driver may fail.
- On Windows/Cygwin, ^C, SIGUSR1, and SIGUSR2 do not work; they exit the program immediately without closeup; Abort in the GUI is the same.
Major Changes from 2.12
- MPI works on both Mac OS X and on (Linux)
- '#' now comments to end-of-line after command text
- -O3 added to compilation (can be over-ridden in configure)
- Geometrical voxels used to speed up the EM field computation
- New command ‘emfactor” to modify ionization energy loss and multiple scattering
- g4bldata and revised to permit user setting Geant4Data directory. Complete code revision for downloading data. NOTE: On Windows, Geant4Data is always C:/Geant4Data .
HistoRoot is no longer included in the G4beamline distributions. It is available
NOTE: the method of putting G4beamline into your PATH has changed, and is now standard (a and setup.csh script to source). Please remove any old 2-line scripts from previous versions.
32 Bit build:
1. cd to your HOME directory (or other directory into which you want to install)
2. download G4beamline-2.14-Linux.tgz
3. tar -xzf g4beamline-2.14-Linux.tgz
4. rm g4beamline-2.14-Linux.tgz (optional clean-up)
5. source g4beamline-2.14-Linux/bin/
The script will put this instance of G4beamline into the front of your PATH. The g4bl-icon script will create an icon on your Desktop. You can put item 5 into your $HOME/.bash_profile ; there is a similar g4bl-setup.csh .
64 Bit build is identical, except use
The command-line programs are:
- g4bl — runs g4beamline
- g4blgui — runs the same GUI used by default on Windows
- g4blmovie — generates a movie
- g4bl-icon — cretes an icon on your Desktop
- g4bldata — download Geant4 data sets from CERN
- g4blmpi — run in MPI mode (only if built from source and enabled)
This Linux release was built on a SLF 4.8 system, which means it should run on any later RedHat-derived distribution, including both Scientific Linux and Fedora. It has been verified to run on: SLF 4.8, SLF 5.3, and SLF 6.3. It may well run on other reasonably-modern Linux distributions, and should surely do so if built from source. Note you may need to install "compatibility libraries" to support programs built on older versions of Linux; README-Linux.txt provides some suggestions.
Mac OS X 10.6, 10.7 (Intel — Snow Leopard, and Lion)
- download G4beamline-2.14.dmg
- Double-click the installer, and drag the application icons into /Applications
- *You may want to drag the G4beamlineExamples directory into your HOME.
- *Ditto for the G4beamlineDocumentation directory.
- Eject the installer disk image and move it to the Trash.
- As usual you can drag applications from /Applications onto the Dock.
- For command-line use, source /Applications/ You can put this into your $HOME/.bash_profile .
This (binary) release does not run on Leopard (OS X 10.5), or on any PowerPC system. You can, however, download the source and build it; that ought to work on a PowerPC, but has not been tested.
The command-line programs are:
- g4bl — runs g4beamline
- g4blgui — runs the same GUI used by default on Windows
- g4blmovie — generates a movie
- g4bldata — download Geant4 data sets from CERN
- g4blmpi — run in MPI mode (only if built from source and enabled)
Note the G4beamline viewers all use X-windows, but the GUIs (g4blgui, historoot) run native Mac OS (i.e. quartz).
This Mac OS X release was built on a system running Snow Leopard (Mac OS X 10.6.8). It should run on any Intel Mac running Snow Leopard or Lion. It should also run on Muntain Lion, but that has not been tested.
- download G4beamline-2.14.msi
- Double-click the installer, and follow the prompts
- Move the installer to the Trash.
- For command-line use in the Cygwin environment, cd to the installation directory and do "source bin/". The command-line programs will NOT run in a Windows cmd window.
The command-line programs are:
- g4bl — runs g4beamline
- g4blgui — runs the same GUI used by default on Windows
- g4blmovie — generates a movie
- g4bldata — download Geant4 data sets from CERN
This Windows release was built on a system running Windows Xp. It should run on any Windows Xp, Windows Vista, or Windows 7 system. It should run on Windows 8, but that has not been tested.
The source release is independent of the binary release for each platform. It installs into a different directory. On a 4-core Mac Pro the build takes about an hour for the libraries, and 2 minutes for G4beamline itself. Windows and Linux tools are slower, and your hardware may be slower.
Source release 2.14a has replaced 2.14. The only change is a fix to MPI timing.
Windows: Install the Cygwin environment and Microsoft VC++ 2008 Express Edition. See README-Windows.txt and BUILD.txt for details.
Mac OS X: Install the XCode application (from your install DVD, Apple's Developer Network, or the App store), and then do Software Update. See README-MacOSX.txt and BUILD.txt for details.
Linux: install the complete software development suite, including X-Windows, OpenGL, and OpenMotif/Lesstif development. See README-Linux.txt and BUILD.txt for details.
- cd to your HOME directory (or other directory into which you want to install)
- download G4beamline-2.14a-source.tgz
- tar -xzf G4beamline-2.14a-source.tgz
- rm G4beamline-2.14a-source.tgz #(optional clean-up)
- mkdir G4beamline-2.14a
- cd G4beamline-2.14a
- ../G4beamline-2.14a-source/configure --help # read the help and determine the options you need
- ../G4beamline-2.14a-source/configure [--options]
- make
- source bin/ — The script will add the G4beamline programs into your PATH.
This source distribution has been tested to build on the following systems. Note that very old compilers require the --old-versions option to configure:
- Mac OS X 10.6.8, Snow Leopard
- Mac OS X 10.7.2, Lion
- Scientific Linux Fermi 4.8 (--old-versions)
- Scientific Linux Fermi 5.3
- Scientific Linux Fermi 6.1
- Windows Xp
- Windows 7
G4beamline release 2.12 is now available (30-APR-2012).
This release uses Geant4 9.5 patch 01.
- Java (1.5 or later), required for the GUI; g4beamline itself does not use Java
- Root (5.24 or later), required to use HistoRoot or G4blmovie; g4beamline itself does not need Root installed (it includes the Root libraries it needs)
- tcl (any version), required for the tests; g4beamline itself does not use tcl
- Additional prerequisites are required for building from source; see the README-* files for details.
Known Bugs:
- zntuple with format=extended gives the wrong values for the extended fields; it should interpolate their values, but does not, so they can have values for a position up to 4 mm behind. The regular fields are correct; this affects only the zntuple values, not the track itself.
- g4blmake does not work on Windows.
- Before building from source, be sure your bash shell has executed this: "export LANG=C"; put it into your HOME/.bashrc or just type it. You must use a case-dependent value (such as "C") until this obscure dependency is fixed. If you don't use bash as your login shell, you must arrange bash's environment so this happens. This does not affect binary distributions.
- On Linux an additional dependency was omitted from the documentation: is required; on SLF 4.8 it is provided by the RPM 'expat-devel.i386'; have your sysadmin install it.
Major Changes from 2.10
- Completely revised build system; uses Cmake for Geant4.
- Now building a release for Linux (32 bits) and Linux64 (64-bit build).
- A helper program,, to assist users in downloading the Geant4 Data.
- Additional examples (space charge and spin tracking); old examples revised and re-organized.
- New function in expressions: if(Condition,TrueValue,FalseValue)
- Bphi added to fieldexpr.
- Spin Tracking, including the decay of pions to polarized muons, tracking of polarization for muons and electrons, and decay of polarized muons into unpolarized secondaries.
- New command: "for i a b c" - sets parameter i to a list of strings.
- Using geant4.9.5.p01
- Code is now 64-bit clean.
- Stack trace printed on signal or other abnormal termination (not available on Windows).
HistoRoot is no longer included in the G4beamline distributions. It is available
<p><b>NOTE:</b> the method of putting G4beamline into your PATH has changed, and is now standard (a and setup.csh script to source). Please remove any old 2-line scripts from previous versions.
<b>32 Bit build:</b>
1. cd to your HOME directory (or other directory into which you want to install)
2. download G4beamline-2.12-Linux.tgz
3. tar -xzf g4beamline-2.12-Linux.tgz
4. rm g4beamline-2.12-Linux.tgz (optional clean-up)
5. source g4beamline-2.12-Linux/bin/
The script will put this instance of G4beamline into the front of your PATH. The g4bl-icon script will create an icon on your Desktop. You can put item 5 into your $HOME/.bash_profile ; there is a similar g4bl-setup.csh .
<b>64 Bit build</b> is identical, except use
The command-line programs are:
- g4bl — runs g4beamline
- g4blgui — runs the same GUI used by default on Windows
- g4blmovie — generates a movie
- g4bl-icon — cretes an icon on your Desktop
- g4bldata — download Geant4 data sets from CERN
This Linux release was built on a SLF 4.8 system, which means it should run on any later RedHat-derived distribution, including both Scientific Linux and Fedora. It has been verified to run on: SLF 4.8, SLF 5.3, SLF 6.1, Fedora Core 6. It may well run on other reasonably-modern Linux distributions, and should surely do so if built from source. Note you may need to install "compatibility libraries" to support programs built on older versions of Linux; README-Linux.txt provides some suggestions.
Mac OS X 10.6, 10.7 (Intel — Snow Leopard, and Lion)
<p><b>NOTE:</b> Due to lack of support from Apple and Geant4, Leopard (10.5.X) is no longer supported. You can build it from source (use --old-versions), but the OpenInventor viewer's menus do not work, limiting its capabilities.
</p>1. download
2. Double-click the installer, and drag the application icons into /Applications
3a You may want to drag the G4beamlineExamples directory into your HOME.
3b Ditto for the G4beamlineDocumentation directory.
4. Eject the installer disk image and move it to the Trash.
5. As usual you can drag applications from /Applications onto the Dock.
For command-line use, source /Applications/ You can put this into your $HOME/.bash_profile .
This (binary) release does not run on Leopard (OS X 10.5), or on any PowerPC system. You can, however, download the source and build it; that ought to work on a PowerPC, but has not been tested.
The command-line programs are:
- g4bl — runs g4beamline
- g4blgui — runs the same GUI used by default on Windows
- g4blmovie — generates a movie
- g4bldata — download Geant4 data sets from CERN
Note the G4beamline viewers all use X-windows, but the GUIs (g4blgui, historoot) run native Mac OS (i.e. quartz).
This Mac OS X release was built on a system running Snow Leopard (Mac OS X 10.6.8). It should run on any Intel Mac running Snow Leopard or Lion.
1. download G4beamline-2.12.msi
2. Double-click the installer, and follow the prompts
3. Move the installer to the Trash.
For command-line use in the Cygwin environment, cd to the installation directory and do "source bin/". The command-line programs will
NOT run in a Windows cmd window.
The command-line programs are:
- g4bl — runs g4beamline
- g4blgui — runs the same GUI used by default on Windows
- g4blmovie — generates a movie
- g4bldata — download Geant4 data sets from CERN
This Windows release was built on a system running Windows Xp. It should run on any Windows Xp, Windows Vista, or Windows 7 system.
The source release is independent of the binary release for each platform. It installs into a different directory. On a 4-core Mac Pro the build takes about an hour for the libraries, and 2 minutes for G4beamline itself. Windows and Linux tools are slower, and your hardware may be slower.
See the "Known Bug" above before building from source.
Windows: Install the Cygwin environment and Microsoft VC++ 2008 Express Edition. See README-Windows.txt and BUILD.txt for details.
Mac OS X: Install the XCode application (from your install DVD, Apple's Developer Network, or the App store), and then do Software Update. See README-MacOSX.txt and BUILD.txt for details.
Linux: install the complete software development suite, including X-Windows, OpenGL, and OpenMotif/Lesstif development. See README-Linux.txt and BUILD.txt for details.
1. cd to your HOME directory (or other directory into which you want to install)
2. download G4beamline-2.12-source.tgz
3. tar -xzf G4beamline-2.12-source.tgz
4. rm G4beamline-2.12-source.tgz #(optional clean-up)
5. mkdir G4beamline-2.12
6. cd G4beamline-2.12
7. ../G4beamline-2.12-source/configure --help # read the help and determine the options you need
8. ../G4beamline-2.12-source/configure [--options]
9. make
10. source bin/
The script will add the G4beamline programs into your PATH.
This source distribution has been tested to build on the following systems. Note that very old compilers require the --old-versions option to configure:
- Mac OS X 10.6.8, Snow Leopard
- Mac OS X 10.7.2, Lion
- Scientific Linux Fermi 4.8 (--old-versions)
- Scientific Linux Fermi 5.3
- Scientific Linux Fermi 6.1
- Windows Xp
- Windows 7
G4beamline release 2.10 is now available (03-JAN-2012).
This release uses Geant4 9.4 patch 03.
- Java (1.5 or later), required for the GUI; g4beamline itself does not use Java
- Root (5.12 or later), required to use HistoRoot or G4blmovie; g4beamline itself does not need Root installed (it includes the Root libraries it needs)
- tcl (any version), required for the tests; g4beamline itself does not use tcl
Known Bugs:
- G4beamline does not build from source on 64-bit Linux or 64-bit Mac OS X (Lion). The distributions for both are 32-bit, and they do run on 64-bit systems. Whether it can be built on 64-bit Windows is unknown, but it is suspected to fail.
- G4beamline does not tolerate spaces in its install directory on Linux, Mac OS X, or Cygwin; it does tolerate them when installed into Windows (no Cygwin). There is a workaround for Cygwin (ask Tom Roberts).
- g4blmake does not work on Windows.
Major Changes from 2.08
- Materials can filter tracks
- lilens command
- rfdevice command
- reweightprocess command
- Remove MICEPhysicsList and LISAPhysicsList
- ntuple command now has union argument
- --disable-MPI now the default on all OSs
- Using geant4.9.4.p03
HistoRoot is still included in the G4beamline distributions, but this is the
macro version. The compiled version runs ~100 time faster on large files, and is available
1. cd to your HOME directory (or other directory into which you want to install)
2. download G4beamline-2.10-Linux-g++.tgz
3. tar -xzf g4beamline-2.10-Linux-g++.tgz
4. rm g4beamline-2.10-Linux-g++.tgz (optional clean-up)
5. cd g4beamline-2.10-Linux-g++
6. ./setup
The setup script will create Desktop icons and will guide you through adding the G4beamline programs into a directory in your PATH.
The programs are:
- g4bl — runs g4beamline
- g4blgui — runs the same GUI used by default on Windows
- historoot — provides a GUI to the Root histogramming capabilities
- g4blmovie — generates a movie
This Linux release was built on a Red Hat 7.3 system, which means it should run on any later RedHat-derived distribution, including both Scientific Linux and Fedora. It has been verified to run on: RedHat 7.3, SLF 5.3, Fedora Core 6. It may well run on other reasonably-modern Linux distributions, and should surely do so if built from source. Note you may need to install "compatibility libraries" to support programs built on older versions of Linux; README-Linux.txt provides some suggestions.
Mac OS X 10.5, 10.6, 10.7 (Intel — Leopard, Snow Leopard, and Lion)
1. download G4beamline-2.10-Darwin-g++.dmg
2. Double-click the installer, and drag the application icons into /Applications
3a You may want to drag the G4beamlineExamples directory into your HOME.
3b Ditto for the G4beamlineDocumentation directory.
4. Eject the installer disk image and move it to the Trash.
5. As usual you can drag applications from /Applications onto the Dock.
For command-line use, cd to the installation directory and do ./setup — the setup script will guide you through adding the G4beamline programs into a directory in your PATH. The installation directory is /Applications/ .
This (binary) release does not run on Tiger (OS X 10.4), or on any PowerPC system. You can, however, download the source and build it on Tiger; that ought to work on a PowerPC, but has not been tested.
The programs are:
- g4bl — runs g4beamline
- g4blgui — runs the same GUI used by default on Windows
- historoot — provides a GUI to the Root histogramming capabilities
- g4blmovie — generates a movie
Note the G4beamline viewers all use X-windows, but the GUIs (g4blgui, historoot) run native Mac OS (i.e. quartz).
This Mac OS X release was built on a system running Leopard (Mac OS X 10.5.8). It should run on any Intel Mac running Leopard or Snow Leopard. For Tiger or a PowerPC Mac, it should be possible to install the source and build it.
1. download G4beamline-2.10.msi
2. Double-click the installer, and follow the prompts
3. Move the installer to the Trash.
For command-line use in the Cygwin environment, cd to the installation directory and do ./setup — the setup script will guide you through adding the G4beamline programs into a directory in your PATH. The command-line programs will
NOT run in a Windows cmd window.
The programs are:
- g4bl — runs g4beamline
- g4blgui — runs the same GUI used by default on Windows
- historoot — provides a GUI to the Root histogramming capabilities
- g4blmovie — generates a movie
This Windows release was built on a system running Windows Xp. It should run on any Windows Xp or Windows Vista system. For Windows 7, G4beamline itself works, but Historoot does not, even if Root itself works.
The source release is independent of the binary release for each platform. It installs into a different directory. On a 4-core Mac Pro the build takes about an hour for the libraries, and 2 minutes for G4beamline itself. Windows and Linux tools are slower, and your hardware may be slower.
Windows: Install the Cygwin environment and Microsoft VC++ 2008 Express Edition. See README-Windows.txt and BUILD.txt for details.
Mac OS X: Install the XCode application (from your install DVD), and then do Software Update. See README-MacOSX.txt and BUILD.txt for details.
Linux: install the complete software development suite, including X-Windows, OpenGL, and OpenMotif/Lesstif development. See README-Linux.txt and BUILD.txt for details.
1. cd to your HOME directory (or other directory into which you want to install)
2. download G4beamline-2.10-source.tgz
3. tar -xzf g4beamline-2.10-source.tgz
4. rm g4beamline-2.10-source.tgz #(optional clean-up)
5. cd g4beamline-2.10
6. ./configure --help # read the help and determine the options you need
7. ./configure [--options]
8. make
9. ./setup
The setup script will guide you through adding the G4beamline programs into a directory in your PATH.
This source distribution has been tested to build on the following systems. Note that very old compilers require the --old-versions option to configure:
- Mac OS X 10.5.8, Leopard
- Red Hat Linux 7.3 (--old-versions)
- Scientific Linux Fermi 5.3
- Windows Xp
G4beamline release 2.08 is now available (13-FEB-2011).
This release uses Geant4 9.4.
- Java (1.5 or later), required for the GUI; g4beamline itself does not use Java
- Root (5.12 or later), required to use HistoRoot or G4blmovie; g4beamline itself does not need Root installed (it includes the Root libraries it needs)
- tcl (any version), required for the tests; g4beamline itself does not use tcl
Known Bugs:
- The neutrinos from muon decay do not have the correct distributions; the electrons are correct. This is a Geant4 issue and has been there from the beginning.
- G4beamline does not tolerate spaces in its install directory on Linux, Mac OS X, or Cygwin; it does tolerate them when installed into Windows (no Cygwin). There is a workaround for Cygwin (ask Tom Roberts).
- The probefield command does not work, and truncates its input file to 0 length.
- Tuning of pillbox can be "fuzzy", and give different results for different runs or different computers; differences are usually minor. Fixed in 2.09.
- Historoot does not work on Windows 7. G4beamline and Open Inventor do work on Windows 7.
- g4blmake does not work on Windows.
- The LisaPhysicsList does not work.
Major Changes from 2.06
- Spacecharge and spacechargelw, including FFTW library
- gamma -> mu+ mu- can be added to any physics list
- Improved BLAlarm, added BLSignal; signals close output files gracefully
- --debug added to configure to build a debug version
- Eventcuts now has a skip file to skip particular events
- Transparency in visualization now supported
- OpenInventor now starts with “Visible daughters and visible mothersâ€
- fieldlines command visualizes E and B field lines
1. cd to your HOME directory (or other directory into which you want to install)
2. download G4beamline-2.08-Linux-g++.tgz
3. tar -xzf g4beamline-2.08-Linux-g++.tgz
4. rm g4beamline-2.08-Linux-g++.tgz (optional clean-up)
5. cd g4beamline-2.08-Linux-g++
6. ./setup
The setup script will create Desktop icons and will guide you through adding the G4beamline programs into a directory in your PATH.
The programs are:
- g4bl — runs g4beamline
- g4blgui — runs the same GUI used by default on Windows
- historoot — provides a GUI to the Root histogramming capabilities
- g4blmovie — generates a movie
This Linux release was built on a Red Hat 7.3 system, which means it should run on any later RedHat-derived distribution, including both Scientific Linux and Fedora. It has been verified to run on: RedHat 7.3, SLF 5.3, Fedora Core 6. It may well run on other reasonably-modern Linux distributions, and should surely do so if built from source. Note you may need to install "compatibility libraries" to support programs built on older versions of Linux; README-Linux.txt provides some suggestions.
Mac OS X 10.5 and 10.6 (Intel — Leopard and Snow Leopard)
1. download G4beamline-2.08-Darwin-g++.dmg
2. Double-click the installer, and drag the application icons into /Applications
3a You may want to drag the G4beamlineExamples directory into your HOME.
3b Ditto for the G4beamlineDocumentation directory.
4. Eject the installer disk image and move it to the Trash.
5. As usual you can drag applications from /Applications onto the Dock.
For command-line use, cd to the installation directory and do ./setup — the setup script will guide you through adding the G4beamline programs into a directory in your PATH. The installation directory is /Applications/ .
This (binary) release does not run on Tiger (OS X 10.4), on Lion (OS X 10.7.X), or on any PowerPC system. You can, however, download the source and build it on Tiger or Lion; that ought to work on a PowerPC, but has not been tested. The problem with Lion is that Lion does not include MPI; the next release of G4beamline will not have MPI enabled by default, so it will work on Lion.
The programs are:
- g4bl — runs g4beamline
- g4blgui — runs the same GUI used by default on Windows
- historoot — provides a GUI to the Root histogramming capabilities
- g4blmovie — generates a movie
Note the G4beamline viewers all use X-windows, but the GUIs (g4blgui, historoot) run native Mac OS (i.e. quartz).
This Mac OS X release was built on a system running Leopard (Mac OS X 10.5.8). It should run on any Intel Mac running Leopard or Snow Leopard. For Tiger or a PowerPC Mac, it should be possible to install the source and build it.
1. download G4beamline-2.08.msi
2. Double-click the installer, and follow the prompts
3. Move the installer to the Trash.
For command-line use in the Cygwin environment, cd to the installation directory and do ./setup — the setup script will guide you through adding the G4beamline programs into a directory in your PATH. The command-line programs will
NOT run in a Windows cmd window.
The programs are:
- g4bl — runs g4beamline
- g4blgui — runs the same GUI used by default on Windows
- historoot — provides a GUI to the Root histogramming capabilities
- g4blmovie — generates a movie
This Windows release was built on a system running Windows Xp. It should run on any Windows Xp or Windows Vista system. For Windows 7, G4beamline itself works, but Historoot does not, even if Root itself works.
The source release is independent of the binary release for each platform. It installs into a different directory. On a 4-core Mac Pro the build takes about an hour for the libraries, and 2 minutes for G4beamline itself. Windows and Linux tools are slower, and your hardware may be slower.
Windows: Install the Cygwin environment and Microsoft VC++ 2008 Express Edition. See README-Windows.txt and BUILD.txt for details.
Mac OS X: Install the XCode application (from your install DVD), and then do Software Update. See README-MacOSX.txt and BUILD.txt for details.
Linux: install the complete software development suite, including X-Windows, OpenGL, and OpenMotif/Lesstif development. See README-Linux.txt and BUILD.txt for details.
1. cd to your HOME directory (or other directory into which you want to install)
2. download G4beamline-2.08-source.tgz
3. tar -xzf g4beamline-2.08-source.tgz
4. rm g4beamline-2.08-source.tgz #(optional clean-up)
5. cd g4beamline-2.08
6. ./configure --help # read the help and determine the options you need
7. ./configure [--options]
8. make
9. ./setup
The setup script will guide you through adding the G4beamline programs into a directory in your PATH.
This source distribution has been tested to build on the following systems. Note that very old compilers require the --old-versions option to configure:
- Mac OS X 10.5.8, Leopard
- Red Hat Linux 7.3 (--old-versions)
- Scientific Linux Fermi 5.3
G4beamline release 2.06 is now available (22-SEPT-2010).
This release uses Geant4 9.3 patch 01.
- Java (1.5 or later), required for the GUI; g4beamline itself does not use Java
- Root (5.12 thru 5.24), required to use HistoRoot or G4blmovie; g4beamline itself does not need Root installed (it includes the Root libraries it needs)
- tcl (any version), required for the tests; g4beamline itself does not use tcl
Known Bugs:
- Historoot does not work on Windows 7. G4beamline and Open Inventor do work on Windows 7.
- OI viewer issues a few error messages, but display is OK.
- g4blmake does not work on Windows.
- The LisaPhysicsList does not work.
- The extrusion command has a bug that applies if the polygon has a side at y=0 and you rotate around x when placing it; a one micron offset avoids the bug. Fixed in Geant4 9.4 (next G4beamline release).
Major Changes from 2.03
- Extended formats provide more information about tracks (virtualdetector, zntuple, timentuple, newparticlentuple, beamlossntuple).
- g4blgui no longer deletes *.root when Run is pushed.
- Historoot variables now work properly wth multiple NTuples.
- Synchrotron radiation can now be added to any physics list.
1. cd to your HOME directory (or other directory into which you want to install)
2. download G4beamline-2.06-Linux-g++.tgz
3. tar -xzf g4beamline-2.06-Linux-g++.tgz
4. rm g4beamline-2.06-Linux-g++.tgz (optional clean-up)
5. cd g4beamline-2.06-Linux-g++
6. ./setup
The setup script will create Desktop icons and will guide you through adding the G4beamline programs into a directory in your PATH.
The programs are:
- g4bl — runs g4beamline
- g4blgui — runs the same GUI used by default on Windows
- historoot — provides a GUI to the Root histogramming capabilities
- g4blmovie — generates a movie
This Linux release was built on a Red Hat 7.3 system, which means it should run on any later RedHat-derived distribution, including both Scientific Linux and Fedora. It has been verified to run on: RedHat 7.3, SLF 3.0.9, SLF 5.3, Fedora Core 6. It may well run on other reasonably-modern Linux distributions, and should surely do so if built from source. Note you may need to install "compatibility libraries" to support programs built on older versions of Linux; README-Linux.txt provides some suggestions.
Mac OS X 10.5 and 10.6 (Intel — Leopard and Snow Leopard)
1. download G4beamline-2.06-Darwin-g++.dmg
2. Double-click the installer, and drag the application icons into /Applications
3a You may want to drag the G4beamlineExamples directory into you HOME.
3b Ditto for the G4beamlineDocumentation directory.
4. Eject the installer disk image and move it to the Trash.
5. As usual you can drag applications from /Applications onto the Dock.
For command-line use, cd to the installation directory and do ./setup — the setup script will guide you through adding the G4beamline programs into a directory in your PATH. The installation directory is /Applications/ .
This (binary) release does not run on Tiger (OS X 10.4), or on any PowerPC system. You can, however, download the source and build it on Tiger; that ought to work on a PowerPC, but has not been tested.
The programs are:
- g4bl — runs g4beamline
- g4blgui — runs the same GUI used by default on Windows
- historoot — provides a GUI to the Root histogramming capabilities
- g4blmovie — generates a movie
Note the G4beamline viewers all use X-windows, but the GUIs (g4blgui, historoot) run native Mac OS (i.e. quartz).
This Mac OS X release was built on a system running Leopard (Mac OS X 10.5.8). It should run on any Intel Mac running Leopard or Snow Leopard. For Tiger or a PowerPC Mac, it should be possible to install the source and build it.
1. download G4beamline-2.06.msi
2. Double-click the installer, and follow the prompts
3. Move the installer to the Trash.
For command-line use in the Cygwin environment, cd to the installation directory and do ./setup — the setup script will guide you through adding the G4beamline programs into a directory in your PATH. The command-line programs will
NOT run in a Windows cmd window.
The programs are:
- g4bl — runs g4beamline
- g4blgui — runs the same GUI used by default on Windows
- historoot — provides a GUI to the Root histogramming capabilities
- g4blmovie — generates a movie
This Windows release was built on a system running Windows Xp. It should run on any Windows Xp or Windows Vista system. For Windows 7, G4beamline itself works, but Historoot does not, even if Root itself works.
The source release is independent of the binary release for each platform. It installs into a different directory. On a 4-core Mac Pro the build takes about an hour for the libraries, and 2 minutes for G4beamline itself. Windows and Linux tools are slower, and your hardware may be slower.
Windows: Install the Cygwin environment and Microsoft VC++ 2008 Express Edition. See README-Windows.txt and BUILD.txt for details.
Mac OS X: Install the XCode application (from your install DVD), and then do Software Update. See README-MacOSX.txt and BUILD.txt for details.
Linux: install the complete software development suite, including X-Windows, OpenGL, and OpenMotif/Lesstif development. See README-Linux.txt and BUILD.txt for details.
1. cd to your HOME directory (or other directory into which you want to install)
2. download G4beamline-2.06-source.tgz
3. tar -xzf g4beamline-2.06-source.tgz
4. rm g4beamline-2.06-source.tgz #(optional clean-up)
5. cd g4beamline-2.06
6. ./configure --help # read the help and determine the options you need
7. ./configure [--options]
8. make
9. ./setup
The setup script will guide you through adding the G4beamline programs into a directory in your PATH.
This source distribution has been tested to build on the following systems. Note that very old compilers require the --old-versions option to configure:
- Mac OS X 10.5.8, Leopard
- Red Hat Linux 7.3 (--old-versions)
- Scientific Linux Fermi 5.3
G4beamline release 2.03 is now available (26-JULY-2010).
This release uses Geant4 9.3 patch 01.
- Java (1.5 or later), required for the GUI; g4beamline itself does not use Java
- Root (5.12 thru 5.24), required to use HistoRoot or G4blmovie; g4beamline itself does not need Root installed (it includes the Root libraries it needs)
- tcl (any version), required for the tests; g4beamline itself does not use tcl
Known Bugs:
- Historoot does not work on Windows 7. G4beamline and Open Inventor do work on Windows 7.
- The User's Guide was not updated from release 2.02. The help in both "g4bl" and "g4blgui" is up-to-date, so to get up-to-date help on any command, you can run "g4bgui", or you can run "g4bl -" and type "help commandname" to its cmd: prompt (omit the quotes). Since 2.02 the following commands have been changed:
ntuple | added arguments 'perTrack' and 'veto'.
output | new command to redirect stdout and stderr.
fieldntuple | new command to generate an NTuple from B- and E-field values.
reference | new arguments 'noEfield' and 'noEloss' to permit ICOOL-style references. Works for one reference particle, but there is a serious bug if more than 1 reference command is used (fixed in 2.04b).
- OI viewer issues a few error messages, but display is OK.
- g4blmake does not work on Windows.
- The LisaPhysicsList does not work.
Major Changes from 2.02
- New command "fieldntuple"; makes it easy to plot E and B fields using HistoRoot or other plotting tools; more flexible than "printfield".
- Added veto argument to the ntuple command.
- New command "output" will redirect stdout and stderr from within the input file. Most useful to name the output from internal parameter values.
- The reference command can now track ICOOL-style reference particles (immune to Eloss and E fields).
1. cd to your HOME directory (or other directory into which you want to install)
2. download G4beamline-2.03-Linux-g++.tgz
3. tar -xzf g4beamline-2.03-Linux-g++.tgz
4. rm g4beamline-2.03-Linux-g++.tgz (optional clean-up)
5. cd g4beamline-2.03-Linux-g++
6. ./setup
The setup script will create Desktop icons and will guide you through adding the G4beamline programs into a directory in your PATH.
The programs are:
- g4bl — runs g4beamline
- g4blgui — runs the same GUI used by default on Windows
- historoot — provides a GUI to the Root histogramming capabilities
- g4blmovie — generates a movie
This Linux release was built on a Red Hat 7.3 system, which means it should run on any later RedHat-derived distribution, including both Scientific Linux and Fedora. It has been verified to run on: RedHat 7.3, SLF 3.0.9, SLF 5.3, Fedora Core 6. It may well run on other reasonably-modern Linux distributions, and should surely do so if built from source. Note you may need to install "compatibility libraries" to support programs built on older versions of Linux; README-Linux.txt provides some suggestions.
Mac OS X 10.5 and 10.6 (Intel — Leopard and Snow Leopard)
1. download G4beamline-2.03-Darwin-g++.dmg
2. Double-click the installer, and drag the application icons into /Applications
3a You may want to drag the G4beamlineExamples directory into you HOME.
3b Ditto for the G4beamlineDocumentation directory.
4. Eject the installer disk image and move it to the Trash.
5. As usual you can drag applications from /Applications onto the Dock.
For command-line use, cd to the installation directory and do ./setup — the setup script will guide you through adding the G4beamline programs into a directory in your PATH. The installation directory is /Applications/ .
This (binary) release does not run on Tiger (OS X 10.4), or on any PowerPC system. You can, however, download the source and build it on Tiger; that ought to work on a PowerPC, but has not been tested.
The programs are:
- g4bl — runs g4beamline
- g4blgui — runs the same GUI used by default on Windows
- historoot — provides a GUI to the Root histogramming capabilities
- g4blmovie — generates a movie
Note the G4beamline viewers all use X-windows, but the GUIs (g4blgui, historoot) run native Mac OS (i.e. quartz).
This Mac OS X release was built on a system running Leopard (Mac OS X 10.5.8). It should run on any Intel Mac running Leopard or Snow Leopard. For Tiger or a PowerPC Mac, it should be possible to install the source and build it.
1. download G4beamline-2.03.msi
2. Double-click the installer, and follow the prompts
3. Move the installer to the Trash.
For command-line use in the Cygwin environment, cd to the installation directory and do ./setup — the setup script will guide you through adding the G4beamline programs into a directory in your PATH. The command-line programs will
NOT run in a Windows cmd window.
The programs are:
- g4bl — runs g4beamline
- g4blgui — runs the same GUI used by default on Windows
- historoot — provides a GUI to the Root histogramming capabilities
- g4blmovie — generates a movie
This Windows release was built on a system running Windows Xp. It should run on any Windows Xp or Windows Vista system. For Windows 7, it might work, or you might need to install the source and build it.
The source release is independent of the binary release for each platform. It installs into a different directory. On a 4-core Mac Pro the build takes about an hour for the libraries, and 2 minutes for G4beamline itself. Windows and Linux tools are slower, and your hardware may be slower.
Windows: Install the Cygwin environment and Microsoft VC++ 2008 Express Edition. See README-Windows.txt and BUILD.txt for details.
Mac OS X: Install the XCode application (from your install DVD), and then do Software Update. See README-MacOSX.txt and BUILD.txt for details.
Linux: install the complete software development suite, including X-Windows, OpenGL, and OpenMotif/Lesstif development. See README-Linux.txt and BUILD.txt for details.
1. cd to your HOME directory (or other directory into which you want to install)
2. download G4beamline-2.03-source.tgz
3. tar -xzf g4beamline-2.03-source.tgz
4. rm g4beamline-2.03-source.tgz #(optional clean-up)
5. cd g4beamline-2.03
6. ./configure --help # read the help and determine the options you need
7. ./configure [--options]
8. make
9. ./setup
The setup script will guide you through adding the G4beamline programs into a directory in your PATH.
This source distribution has been tested to build on the following systems. Note that very old compilers require the --old-versions option to configure:
- Mac OS X 10.5.8, Leopard
- Red Hat Linux 7.3 (--old-versions)
- Scientific Linux Fermi 5.3
G4beamline release 2.02 is now available (20-APR-2010).
This release uses Geant4 9.3.
- Java (1.5 or later), required for the GUI; g4beamline itself does not use Java
- Root (5.12 thru 5.24), required to use HistoRoot or G4blmovie; g4beamline itself does not need Root installed (it includes the Root libraries it needs)
- tcl (any version), required for the tests; g4beamline itself does not use tcl
Known Bugs:
- HistoRoot has a serious bug when a variable is used with multiple NTuples selected — for NTuples after the first, the variable keeps the value of the last event in the first NTuple — this usually generates an un-physical spike in a histogram. A workaround is to avoid the variable and write out its expression.
- OI viewer issues a few error messages, but display is OK.
- g4blmake does not work on Windows, and might not work on Linux without –disable-visual; workarounds are available.
- The LisaPhysicsList does not work.
Major Changes from 2.0
- Improved build scripts and Makefiles.
- Improved handling of EventIDs in ASCII NTuples.
- New BLCMDntuple design; all NTuples can now be used in the 'ntuple' command.
- New 'particlesource' command to use the General Particle Source.
- New 'totalenergy' command to total the energy deposited in volumes during the entire run.
- Parameters defined from the environment.
- The 'extrusion' command now automatically selects the proper order of traversal of the polygon.
There are also numerous bug fixes and improvements, including the deadlock that sometimes causes the GUI to hang, and the handling of unary minus in expressions..
1. cd to your HOME directory (or other directory into which you want to install)
2. download G4beamline-2.02-Linux-g++.tgz
3. tar -xzf g4beamline-2.02-Linux-g++.tgz
4. rm g4beamline-2.02-Linux-g++.tgz (optional clean-up)
5. cd g4beamline-2.02-Linux-g++
6. ./setup
The setup script will create Desktop icons and will guide you through adding the G4beamline programs into a directory in your PATH.
The programs are:
- g4bl — runs g4beamline
- g4blgui — runs the same GUI used by default on Windows
- historoot — provides a GUI to the Root histogramming capabilities
- g4blmovie — generates a movie
This Linux release was built on a Red Hat 7.3 system, which means it should run on any later RedHat-derived distribution, including both Scientific Linux and Fedora. It has been verified to run on: RedHat 7.3, SLF 3.0.9, SLF 5.3, Fedora Core 6. It may well run on other reasonably-modern Linux distributions, and should surely do so if built from source. Note you may need to install "compatibility libraries" to support programs built on older versions of Linux; README-Linux.txt provides some suggestions.
Mac OS X 10.5 and 10.6 (Intel — Leopard and Snow Leopard)
1. download G4beamline-2.02-Darwin-g++.dmg
2. Double-click the installer, and drag the application icons into /Applications
3a You may want to drag the G4beamlineExamples directory into you HOME.
3b Ditto for the G4beamlineDocumentation directory.
4. Eject the installer disk image and move it to the Trash.
5. As usual you can drag applications from /Applications onto the Dock.
For command-line use, cd to the installation directory and do ./setup — the setup script will guide you through adding the G4beamline programs into a directory in your PATH. The installation directory is /Applications/ .
This (binary) release does not run on Tiger (OS X 10.4), or on any PowerPC system. You can, however, download the source and build it on Tiger; that ought to work on a PowerPC, but has not been tested.
The programs are:
- g4bl — runs g4beamline
- g4blgui — runs the same GUI used by default on Windows
- historoot — provides a GUI to the Root histogramming capabilities
- g4blmovie — generates a movie
Note the G4beamline viewers all use X-windows, but the GUIs (g4blgui, historoot) run native Mac OS (i.e. quartz).
This Mac OS X release was built on a system running Leopard (Mac OS X 10.5.8). It should run on any Intel Mac running Leopard or Snow Leopard. For Tiger or a PowerPC Mac, it should be possible to install the source and build it.
1. download G4beamline-2.02.msi
2. Double-click the installer, and follow the prompts
3. Move the installer to the Trash.
For command-line use in the Cygwin environment, cd to the installation directory and do ./setup — the setup script will guide you through adding the G4beamline programs into a directory in your PATH. The command-line programs will
NOT run in a Windows cmd window.
The programs are:
- g4bl — runs g4beamline
- g4blgui — runs the same GUI used by default on Windows
- historoot — provides a GUI to the Root histogramming capabilities
- g4blmovie — generates a movie
This Windows release was built on a system running Windows Xp. It should run on any Windows Xp or Windows Vista system. For Windows 7, it might work, or you might need to install the source and build it.
The source release 2.02 is independent of the binary release for each platform. It installs into a different directory. On a 4-core Mac Pro the build takes about an hour for the libraries, and 2 minutes for G4beamline itself. Windows and Linux tools are slower, and your hardware may be slower.
Windows: Install the Cygwin environment and Microsoft VC++ 2008 Express Edition. See README-Windows.txt and BUILD.txt for details.
Mac OS X: Install the XCode application (from your install DVD), and then do Software Update. See README-MacOSX.txt and BUILD.txt for details.
Linux: install the complete software development suite, including X-Windows, OpenGL, and OpenMotif/Lesstif development. See README-Linux.txt and BUILD.txt for details.
1. cd to your HOME directory (or other directory into which you want to install)
2. download G4beamline-2.02-source.tgz
3. tar -xzf g4beamline-2.02-source.tgz
4. rm g4beamline-2.02-source.tgz #(optional clean-up)
5. cd g4beamline-2.02
6. ./configure --help # read the help and determine the options you need
7. ./configure [--options]
8. make
9. ./setup
The setup script will guide you through adding the G4beamline programs into a directory in your PATH.
This source distribution has been tested to build on the following systems. Note that very old compilers require the --old-versions option to configure:
- Mac OS X 10.4, Tiger
- Mac OS X 10.5.8, Leopard
- Mac OS X 10.6.2, Snow Leopard
- Red Hat Linux 7.3 (--old-versions)
- Scientific Linux Fermi 3.0.9 (--old-versions)
- Scientific Linux Fermi 5.3
- Windows Xp
G4beamline release 2.01 is now available for Linux (19-JAN-2010).
This is essentially the same as release 2.0, except the install tarball has been fixed (the 2.0 tarball has symbolic links that make it impossible to use). For Windows, Mac OS, and source please use 2.0.
G4beamline release 2.0 is now available (10-JAN-2010).
This release uses Geant4 9.2.p01.
- Java (1.5 or later), required for the GUI; g4beamline itself does not use Java
- Root (5.12 thru 5.24), required to use HistoRoot or G4blmovie; g4beamline itself does not need Root installed (it includes the Root libraries it needs)
- tcl (any version), required for the tests; g4beamline itself does not use tcl
Known Bugs:
- The neutron dataset required for all physics lists ending in _HP may not be found correctly — contact Tom Roberts for an update to fix this problem.
- The LISAPhysicsList does not work.
- g4blmake does not work on Windows; a workaround is available.
Major Changes from 1.16
- The build process has been completely changed to make it easier for users to build G4beamline and add their own code.
- The source tarball now includes the source to all non-system libraries. See doc/BUILD.txt for instructions.
- The source tarball now expands into a different directory than the binary releases. Un-tar it in your HOME directory just like the binary release.
There are also numerous bug fixes and improvements.
1. cd to your HOME directory (or other directory into which you want to install)
2. download G4beamline-2.0-Linux-g++.tgz
3. tar -xzf g4beamline-2.0-Linux-g++.tgz
4. rm g4beamline-2.0-Linux-g++.tgz (optional clean-up)
5. cd g4beamline-2.0-Linux-g++
6. ./setup
The setup script will create Desktop icons and will guide you through adding the G4beamline programs into a directory in your PATH.
The programs are:
- g4bl — runs g4beamline
- g4blgui — runs the same GUI used by default on Windows
- historoot — provides a GUI to the Root histogramming capabilities
- g4blmovie — generates a movie
This Linux release was built on a Red Hat 7.3 system, which means it should run on any later RedHat-derived distribution, including both Scientific Linux and Fedora. It has been verified to run on: RedHat 7.3, SLF 3.0.9, SLF 4.5, SLF 5.3, Fedora Core 6. It may well run on other reasonably-modern Linux distributions, and should surely do so if built from source. Note you may need to install "compatibility libraries" to support programs build on older versions of Linux; README-Linux.txt provides some suggestions.
Mac OS X 10.4 and 10.5 (Intel)
1. download G4beamline-2.0-Darwin-g++.dmg
2. Double-click the installer, and drag the application icons into /Applications
3a You may want to drag the G4beamlineExamples directory into you HOME.
3b Ditto for the G4beamlineDocumentation directory.
4. Eject the installer disk image and move it to the Trash.
5. As usual you can drag applications from /Applications onto the Dock.
For command-line use, cd to the installation directory and do ./setup — the setup script will guide you through adding the G4beamline programs into a directory in your PATH. The installation directory is /Applications/ .
The programs are:
- g4bl — runs g4beamline
- g4blgui — runs the same GUI used by default on Windows
- historoot — provides a GUI to the Root histogramming capabilities
- g4blmovie — generates a movie
Note the G4beamline viewers all use X-windows, but the GUIs (g4blgui, historoot) run native Mac OS (i.e. quartz). This means that to use a viewer you must run
g4bl from an Xterm window, which you get by running the X-Windows application.
This Mac OS X release was built on a system running Leopard (Mac OS X 10.5.8). It should run on any Intel Mac running Leopard or Snow Leopard. For Tiger or a PowerPC Mac, it should be possible to install the source and build it.
1. download G4beamline-2.0.msi
2. Double-click the installer, and follow the prompts
3. Move the installer to the Trash.
For command-line use in the Cygwin environment, cd to the installation directory and do ./setup — the setup script will guide you through adding the G4beamline programs into a directory in your PATH. The command-line programs will
NOT run in a Windows cmd window.
The programs are:
- g4bl — runs g4beamline
- g4blgui — runs the same GUI used by default on Windows
- historoot — provides a GUI to the Root histogramming capabilities
- g4blmovie — generates a movie
This Windows release was built on a system running Windows Xp. It should run on any Windows Xp or Windows Vista system. For Windows 7, it might work, or you might need to install the source and build it.
Unlike earlier releases, the source release 2.0 is independent of the binary release for each platform. It installs into a different directory. On a 4-core Mac Pro the build takes about an hour for the libraries, and 2 minutes for G4beamline itself. Windows and Linux tools are slower, and your hardware may be slower.
Windows: Install the Cygwin environment and Microsoft VC++ 2008 Express Edition; see README-Windows.txt and BUILD.txt for details.
Mac OS X: Install the XCode application (from your install DVD), and then do Software Update.
Linux: install the complete software development suite, including X-Windws development.
1. cd to your HOME directory (or other directory into which you want to install)
2. download G4beamline-2.0-source.tgz
3. tar -xzf g4beamline-2.0-source.tgz
4. rm g4beamline-2.0-source.tgz #(optional clean-up)
5. cd g4beamline-2.0
6. ./configure --help # read the help and determine the options you need
7. ./configure [--options]
8. make
9. ./setup
The setup script will guide you through adding the G4beamline programs into a directory in your PATH.
This source distribution has been tested to build on the following systems. Note that very old compilers require the --old-versions option to configure:
- Mac OS X 10.5.8, Leopard
- Mac OS X 10.6.2, Snow Leopard
- Red Hat Linux 7.3 (./configure --old-versions)
- Scientific Linux Fermi 3.0.9 (./configure --old-versions)
- Scientific Linux Fermi 4.5
- Scientific Linux Fermi 5.3
- Windows Xp
G4beamline release 1.16 is now available (2-APR-2009).
This release uses Geant4 9.2.p01.
- Java (1.5 or later), required for the GUI; g4beamline itself does not use Java
- Root (5.12 thru 5.22), required to use HistoRoot or G4blmovie; g4beamline itself does not need Root installed (it includes the Root libraries it needs)
- tcl (any version), required for the tests; g4beamline itself does not use tcl
- Motif, OpenMotif, or LessTif on Linux and Mac
Known Bugs:
- Mac OS X update 10.5.7 breaks the Open Inventor Viewer. A workaround is to download the old library libGL.1.dylib and move it into
InstallDirectory/lib/Darwin-g++. This will be fixed in the next release.
- <font color="#FF0000">When reading an input beam file containing secondary particles (parent != 0), G4beamline will sometimes abort. This bug was introduced in release 1.16. See Tom Roberts for a fix.</font>
- In BLFieldMap with a time dependence, if the E-factor is omitted then 1.0 is used rather than the B-factor as documented. So don't omit the 3rd column in the time series. This affects all releases, and will be fixed in the next release.
- The LISAPhysicsList does not work.
- In movies, the longitudinal variables z and Pz do not have the Reference values subtracted, making them essentially useless.
Major Changes from 1.15.3
- The G4beamline User's Guide has been considerably enhanced. Experienced users should look at section 3 (Important Values that affect the Validity and Accuracy of Simulation), and section 7 (Tips and Techniques).
- G4beamline can now generate movies, in which the camera sits on the reference particle, watching the beam particles dancing around nearby; see this Movie for an example.
- in viewer mode, no output NTuple files (root, ASCII, FOR009.DAT, HistoScope) are written (they used to be truncated).
- TrackID and EventID are now properly preserved from input beam files.
- The tracker command can now fit tracks that don't hit every trackerplane.
- Additional visualization techniques are now documented (different x-, y-, and z-scales, background color, drawing axes, cut-away planes, etc.) in section 2.8.1.
- Comma-separated lists of floats can now use expressions
There are also numerous bug fixes and improvements.
1. cd to your HOME directory (or other directory into which you want to install)
2. download g4beamline-1.16-Linux-g++.tgz
3. tar -xzf g4beamline-1.16-Linux-g++.tgz
4. rm g4beamline-1.16-Linux-g++.tgz (optional clean-up)
5. cd g4beamline-1.16-Linux-g++
6. ./setup
The setup script will guide you through adding the G4beamline programs into a directory in your PATH.
The programs are:
- g4bl — runs g4beamline
- g4blgui — runs the same GUI used by default on Windows
- historoot — provides a GUI to the Root histogramming capabilities
- g4blmovie — generates a movie
Mac OS X 10.4 and 10.5 (Intel)
1. cd to your HOME directory (or other directory into which you want to install)
2. download g4beamline-1.16-Darwin-g++.tgz
3. tar -xzf g4beamline-1.16-Darwin-g++.tgz
4. rm g4beamline-1.16-Darwin-g++.tgz (optional clean-up)
5. cd g4beamline-1.16-Darwin-g++
6. ./setup
The setup script will guide you through adding the G4beamline programs into a directory in your PATH.
The programs are:
- g4bl — runs g4beamline
- g4blgui — runs the same GUI used by default on Windows
- historoot — provides a GUI to the Root histogramming capabilities
- g4blmovie — generates a movie
Note the G4beamline viewers all use X-windows, but the GUIs (g4blgui, historoot) run native Mac OS (i.e. quartz). This means that to use a viewer you must run
g4bl from an Xterm window, which you get by running the X-Windows application.
G4beamline-1.16.msi This is an installer — just download and double-click it and it will install itself in the usual way, including putting shortcuts onto your desktop and into the Start menu. If you have installed Cygwin, you can also use the command-line programs in the same way as on Linux and Mac OS. Note you cannot run the tests without Cygwin (at present they are command-line only).
First download the release for your platform and install it as above, then un-tar this tarball
g4beamline-1.16-source.tgz into the top g4beamline-1.16-* directory. See BUILD.txt for a detailed description of how I build G4beamline on all 3 platforms.