HistoRoot is a Root macro that presents the user with a GUI that permits:
- Opening of Root Files
- Opening of ASCII files arranged in columns (space, tab, or comma separated)
- Selection of one or more NTuples
- Generation of 1-D histograms from the selected NTuple(s)
- Generation of 2-D histograms from the selected NTuple(s)
- Generation of X-Y plots from the selected NTuple(s)
- Defining persistent variables in terms of expressions of Ntuple fields
- Values histogrammed or plotted are entered as C expressions of variables or NTuple fields
- Four sliders are available to impose cuts based on the values of expressions
- Histograms and plots can be combined onto a single canvas
- For NTuples generated by G4beamlineOld, a count of each type of particle is printed.
Note you must have Root installed and working to use HistoRoot.
HistoRoot 2.0 is now compiled, which makes it run ~100 times faster than 1.0 on large files (1.0 ran as an interpreted Root macro). Because of this, you must install a compatible version of Root. It will fall back to running the macro if the compiled version won't load. You need a compiler only if you want to compile and run it with a version of Root that is incompatible with the distributed version.
The source code (HistoRoot.C) is included with every installer, as is a Makefile and instructions how to build it on other OSs or other versions of Root.Mac OS X (Intel)
This version runs on Leopard (10.5.x), Snow Leopard (10.6.x), and Lion (10.7.x).HistoRoot-2.0.dmg

Here is a compatible version of Root (re-packaged as a Mac OS X application):

This version is built on Scientific Linux 4.x, and should run on that and later RedHat-derived distributions of Linux; it may well run on other Linux distributions.http://muonsinc.com/muons3/historoot/HistoRoot-2.0.tgz

Here is a compatible version of Root:

This version is built on Windows Xp using VC++ 9, and should run on that and later versions of Windows.historoot/HistoRoot-2.01.msi

Here is a compatible version of Root: